All kinds of population information for Thrace's provinces, districts, towns, villages, and neighborhoods are in our Population section.
Detailed statistics on the livelihoods of Thrace residents are in our Economy section.
Local government and parliamentary elections, along with other election results, are in our Election section.
Information on births and deaths in Thrace, along with healthcare personnel statistics, is in our Health section.
Latest Updates
All kinds of population information of Thrace provinces, districts, towns, villages and neighborhoods
Results of the parliamentary general election in Thrace
Thrace presidential election results
Thrace customs gates entry and exit information
Lots of statistical information about Thrace
Population rankings between provinces and districts
Foreign trade data of the Thrace region
Local government and parliamentary elections, as well as other election results
Number of personnel in health institutions and organizations in Thrace
Statistics Categories
Population information of provinces, districts, towns, neighborhoods and villages
Population increases over the years
Population rankings between provinces and districts
Proportions of age groups in the total population
Population information by marital status
Information about those who migrated to Thracian settlements
Information about those who migrated from Thracian settlements
Provinces where residents of Thrace provinces are registered
Provinces where residents of Thrace districts are registered
Provinces where those registered in the population of Thrace provinces reside
Provinces of residence of those registered in the population of Thrace districts
Education level of the migrant population of Thrace
Foreign trade data of the Thrace region
Livestock activities carried out in Thrace lands
Data on plant production in Thrace lands
Agricultural machinery owned by Thrace farmers
Thrace plant and animal product prices
Thrace electricity consumption amounts
Number of business ventures in Thrace cities
Number of housing sales in Thrace provinces and districts
Thrace customs gates entry and exit information
Museums and historical sites in Thrace
Results of the parliamentary general election in Thrace
Results of the mayoral elections in Thrace
Results of the municipal council elections in Thrace
Results of the provincial council elections in Thrace
Thrace presidential election results
Results of referendums in Thrace
Cinema and theatre statistics of Thracian settlements
Information on motor vehicles registered in Thrace provinces and districts