Law No. 6771Adoption Date: 21/01/2017
ARTICLE 1 - The phrase "and impartial" has been added after the word "independent" in Article 9 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey dated 7/11/1982 and numbered 2709.
ARTICLE 2 - The phrase "-five hundred and fifty" in Article 75 of Law No. 2709 has been changed to "-six hundred".
ARTICLE 3 - In the first paragraph of Article 76 of Law No. 2709, the phrase "-Twenty-five" has been changed to "-Eighteen", and in the second paragraph, the phrase "those who have not fulfilled their obligatory military service," has been changed to "those who are related to military service,".
ARTICLE 4 - Article 77 of Law No. 2709 and its title have been amended as follows:
"C. Election term of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the President
ARTICLE 77 - Elections for the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the Presidency shall be held every five years on the same day.
Members of parliament whose terms have expired may be re-elected.
If the necessary majority is not achieved in the first round of the Presidential election, a second round will be held according to the procedure specified in Article 101."
ARTICLE 5 - Article 87 of Law No. 2709 has been amended as follows:
"ARTICLE 87 - The duties and powers of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey are to enact, amend, and repeal laws; to discuss and approve budget and final account bill proposals; to decide on the issuance of currency and declaration of war; to approve international agreements; to decide on the declaration of general and special amnesties by a three-fifths majority of the total number of members of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey; and to exercise the powers and fulfill the duties stipulated in other articles of the Constitution."
ARTICLE 6 - Article 98 of Law No. 2709 has been amended as follows, and its side heading has been removed from the text:
"ARTICLE 98 - The Grand National Assembly of Turkey exercises its right to obtain information and oversee through parliamentary inquiries, general debates, parliamentary investigations, and written questions.
Parliamentary inquiry consists of conducting an investigation to gather information on a specific subject.
General debate is the discussion in the General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey of a specific issue concerning society and State activities.
Parliamentary investigation consists of inquiries conducted on Vice Presidents and ministers pursuant to the fifth, sixth, and seventh paragraphs of Article 106.
A written question consists of deputies asking written questions to Vice Presidents and ministers, which must be answered in writing within at most fifteen days.
The form, content, and scope of parliamentary inquiry, general debate, and written questions, as well as the methods of investigation, are regulated by the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly."
ARTICLE 7 - Article 101 of Law No. 2709 and its title have been amended as follows:
"A. Candidacy and election
ARTICLE 101 - The President is elected directly by the people from among Turkish citizens who have completed the age of forty, have higher education, and are eligible to be elected as members of parliament.
The term of office of the President is five years. A person may be elected as President no more than twice.
For candidacy to the Presidency, political party groups, political parties that received at least five percent of the total valid votes either alone or in alliance in the most recent general election, or at least one hundred thousand voters may nominate a candidate.
The membership of a President elected from among the members of parliament in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey terminates.
In the election held by general vote, the candidate receiving the absolute majority of valid votes is elected President. If this majority is not achieved in the first round, a second round is held on the second Sunday following the first vote. In this second round, the two candidates who received the most votes in the first round compete, and the candidate receiving the majority of valid votes is elected President.
If one of the candidates entitled to participate in the second round does not participate for any reason, the second round is held by replacing the vacant candidacy with the next candidate according to the order in the first round. If only one candidate remains for the second round, the election is held as a referendum. If the candidate receives the absolute majority of valid votes, they are elected President. If the candidate fails to receive the majority of valid votes, only the Presidential election is repeated.
If the election cannot be completed, the incumbent President continues their duties until the new President takes office.
The other procedures and principles regarding Presidential elections are regulated by law."
ARTICLE 8 - Article 104 of Law No. 2709 has been amended as follows:
"ARTICLE 104 - The President is the head of the State. Executive power belongs to the President.
As the head of State, the President represents the Republic of Turkey and the unity of the Turkish Nation; ensures the implementation of the Constitution and the regular and harmonious functioning of State organs.
When deemed necessary, the President delivers the opening speech of the legislative year at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
The President sends messages to the Assembly regarding domestic and foreign policies of the country.
The President promulgates laws.
The President sends laws back to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey for reconsideration.
The President files annulment cases with the Constitutional Court on the grounds that laws, the entire Rules of Procedure of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, or certain provisions thereof are unconstitutional in terms of form or substance.
The President appoints and dismisses vice presidents and ministers.
The President appoints and dismisses senior public administrators and regulates the procedures and principles regarding their appointments through Presidential decrees.
The President sends representatives of the Republic of Turkey to foreign states and accepts foreign state representatives to Turkey.
The President approves and publishes international agreements.
The President submits constitutional amendment laws to referendums if deemed necessary.
The President determines national security policies and takes necessary measures.
The President represents the Command-in-Chief of the Turkish Armed Forces on behalf of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
The President decides on the use of the Turkish Armed Forces.
The President mitigates or lifts sentences of individuals due to chronic illness, disability, or advanced age.
The President may issue Presidential decrees on matters related to executive authority. Fundamental rights, individual rights and duties listed in the first and second sections of the second chapter, and political rights and duties in the fourth chapter of the Constitution cannot be regulated by Presidential decrees. Presidential decrees cannot be issued on matters exclusively stipulated to be regulated by law in the Constitution. Presidential decrees cannot be issued on matters explicitly regulated by law. In cases where there are conflicting provisions between Presidential decrees and laws, the provisions of the law shall prevail. If the Grand National Assembly of Turkey enacts a law on the same matter, the Presidential decree becomes null and void.
The President may issue regulations to ensure the implementation of laws, provided they do not contradict the laws.
Decrees and regulations come into effect on the day they are published in the Official Gazette unless a later date is specified.
The President also performs selection and appointment duties and other tasks assigned by the Constitution and laws and exercises related powers."
ARTICLE 9 - Article 105 of Law No. 2709 has been amended as follows along with its heading:
"E. Criminal liability of the President
ARTICLE 105 - A motion to initiate an investigation against the President on the grounds of alleged misconduct can be proposed with the absolute majority of the total number of members of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. The Assembly discusses the motion within one month at the latest and may decide to open an investigation with the secret vote of three-fifths of its total membership.
If an investigation is decided, a 15-member commission conducts the investigation, formed by drawing lots among the candidates nominated by political parties in proportion to their strength in the Assembly, each party presenting three times the number of members they can provide to the commission. The commission submits its report, detailing the results of the investigation, to the Speaker of the Assembly within two months. If the investigation cannot be completed within this period, the commission is given a final one-month extension.
The report is distributed within ten days of its submission and discussed in the General Assembly within ten days after distribution. The Grand National Assembly of Turkey may decide with a secret vote of two-thirds of its total membership to refer the President to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court trial must be concluded within three months. If not, a one-time extension of three months is granted, and the trial must be completed within this period.
The President under investigation cannot decide to hold an election.
If convicted of a crime that prevents eligibility for election by the Supreme Court, the President’s term ends.
The provisions of this article shall apply to offenses allegedly committed by the President during their term of office even after the end of their tenure."
ARTICLE 10 - Article 106 of Law No. 2709 has been amended as follows along with its heading:
"F. Vice Presidents, Acting for the President, and Ministers
ARTICLE 106 - After being elected, the President may appoint one or more Vice Presidents.
In the event of a vacancy in the Presidency for any reason, a Presidential election is held within 45 days. Until a new President is elected, the Vice President acts as President and exercises Presidential powers. If the general election is less than a year away, the elections for the Grand National Assembly of Turkey are also renewed alongside the Presidential election. If more than a year remains until the general election, the elected President continues in office until the date of the Grand National Assembly elections. This period does not count as a term for the President completing the remaining period. Both elections are held simultaneously on the date of the general elections for the Grand National Assembly.
If the President temporarily leaves office due to reasons such as illness or traveling abroad, the Vice President acts as President and exercises Presidential powers.
Vice Presidents and ministers are appointed and dismissed by the President from among those eligible for election as members of Parliament. Vice Presidents and ministers take an oath before the Grand National Assembly of Turkey as outlined in Article 81. Members of the Grand National Assembly who are appointed as Vice President or minister lose their membership.
Vice Presidents and ministers are accountable to the President. An investigation into Vice Presidents and ministers can be initiated with a motion supported by an absolute majority of the total membership of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, alleging that they have committed a crime related to their duties. The Assembly discusses the motion within one month at the latest and may decide to open an investigation with the secret vote of three-fifths of its total membership.
If an investigation is decided, it is conducted by a 15-member commission, formed by drawing lots from candidates nominated by political parties in proportion to their strength in the Assembly, with each party presenting three times the number of members they can provide to the commission. The commission submits its report, detailing the results of the investigation, to the Speaker of the Assembly within two months. If the investigation cannot be completed within this period, the commission is given a final one-month extension.
The report is distributed within ten days of its submission and discussed in the General Assembly within ten days after distribution. The Grand National Assembly of Turkey may decide with a secret vote of two-thirds of its total membership to refer the Vice President or minister to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court trial must be concluded within three months. If not, a one-time extension of three months is granted, and the trial must be completed within this period.
The provisions of the fifth, sixth, and seventh paragraphs also apply to crimes allegedly committed by these individuals related to their duties, even after their term ends.
The term of a Vice President or minister convicted of a crime by the Supreme Court that prevents their eligibility ends.
Vice Presidents and ministers benefit from the provisions regarding legislative immunity for offenses not related to their duties.
The establishment, abolition, duties, and powers of ministries, as well as their organizational structure and the establishment of central and provincial organizations, are regulated by presidential decrees."
ARTICLE 11 - Article 116 of Law No. 2709 has been amended as follows along with its title.
"H. Renewal of Elections for the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the President
ARTICLE 116 - The Grand National Assembly of Turkey may decide to renew the elections with a three-fifths majority of its total members. In this case, the general election of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the presidential election are held together.
If the President decides to renew the elections, the general election of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the presidential election are held together.
If the Assembly decides to renew the elections during the President's second term, the President may be a candidate once more.
The powers and duties of the Assembly and the President, whose elections are decided to be renewed together, continue until the new Assembly and the new President take office.
The terms of office of the Assembly and the President elected in this way are also five years."
ARTICLE 12 - Article 119 of Law No. 2709 has been amended as follows along with its title, and its subtitles have been removed from the text.
"III. State of Emergency Administration
ARTICLE 119 - The President may declare a state of emergency for a duration not exceeding six months in the whole or a part of the country in cases of war, situations necessitating war, mobilization, uprising, a strong and active rebellion against the homeland or the Republic, the spread of violent acts threatening the indivisibility of the country and the nation from within or without, widespread acts of violence aimed at abolishing the constitutional order or fundamental rights and freedoms, severe disruption of public order due to acts of violence, natural disasters, dangerous epidemics, or severe economic crises.
The decision to declare a state of emergency is published in the Official Gazette on the same day it is made and submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey for approval on the same day.
If the Grand National Assembly of Turkey is in recess, it is immediately convened; the Assembly may shorten, extend, or lift the state of emergency as deemed necessary.
The Grand National Assembly of Turkey may extend the duration of the state of emergency each time for no more than four months upon the President's request. This four-month period does not apply in times of war.
The obligations related to money, property, and labor imposed on citizens during states of emergency, the manner in which fundamental rights and freedoms may be restricted or temporarily suspended in line with the principles of Article 15, the provisions to be applied, and the procedures to be followed are regulated by law.
During states of emergency, the President may issue presidential decrees on matters necessitated by the state of emergency without being subject to the limitations specified in the second sentence of the seventeenth paragraph of Article 104. These decrees, which have the force of law, are published in the Official Gazette and submitted to the Assembly for approval on the same day.
Except for cases of war and force majeure where the Grand National Assembly of Turkey cannot convene, presidential decrees issued during states of emergency are discussed and decided upon by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey within three months. Otherwise, the presidential decree issued during the state of emergency automatically ceases to be effective."
ARTICLE 13 - The following paragraph has been added to Article 142 of Law No. 2709.
"Disciplinary courts other than military courts cannot be established. However, during wartime, military courts can be established to handle cases involving offenses committed by military personnel in connection with their duties."
ARTICLE 14 - The heading and the words "High" in the first and ninth paragraphs of Article 159 of Law No. 2709 have been removed from the text; the second, third, fourth, and fifth paragraphs have been amended as follows; the word "main" in the sixth paragraph has been removed from the text; and the phrase "law, regulation, circulars, and directives" in the ninth paragraph has been replaced with "laws and other regulations."
"The Council of Judges and Prosecutors consists of thirteen members and operates in two chambers.
The Minister of Justice is the President of the Council. The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice is an ex officio member. Of the Council's members, three are first-class judges and prosecutors of the judicial judiciary who have not lost the qualifications for being in the first class, and one is a first-class judge or prosecutor of the administrative judiciary who has not lost the qualifications for being in the first class, appointed by the President; three members are selected from among Court of Cassation members, one from among Council of State members, and three from among faculty members working in the field of law in higher education institutions and attorneys specified by law, by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Among the members selected from faculty members and attorneys, at least one must be a faculty member, and at least one must be an attorney. Applications for membership to be elected by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey are made to the Presidency of the Assembly. The Presidency sends the applications to the Joint Commission, composed of members of the Constitution and Justice Committees. The Commission determines three candidates for each membership by a two-thirds majority of the total number of members. If the determination process cannot be completed in the first round, a three-fifths majority of the total number of members is sought in the second round. If no candidates can be determined in this round, the determination process is completed by drawing lots between the two candidates with the most votes for each membership. The Grand National Assembly of Turkey elects members for each position from among the candidates determined by the Commission through a separate secret vote. In the first vote, a two-thirds majority of the total number of members is sought; if the election cannot be concluded in this round, a three-fifths majority of the total number of members is sought in the second round. If no member can be elected in this round, the election is completed by drawing lots between the two candidates with the most votes.
Members are elected for four years. Members whose terms have expired can be re-elected once.
The election for Council membership is held within thirty days before the terms of the members expire. If a Council membership becomes vacant before the term expires, new members are elected within thirty days following the vacancy."
ARTICLE 15 - Article 161 of Law No. 2709 has been replaced along with its heading as follows:
"A. Budget and Final Accounts
ARTICLE 161 - Expenditures of public legal entities, except for public administrations and public economic enterprises, are made through annual budgets.
The fiscal year start date, preparation, implementation, and control of the central government budget, as well as special periods and procedures for investments or projects lasting more than one year, are regulated by law. No provisions other than those related to the budget may be included in the budget law.
The President submits the budget proposal to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey at least seventy-five days before the start of the fiscal year. The budget proposal is discussed in the Budget Commission. The text approved by the Commission within fifty-five days is debated in the General Assembly and resolved before the fiscal year's start.
If the budget law cannot be enacted on time, a provisional budget law is issued. If a provisional budget law cannot be enacted, the previous year's budget is applied, increased according to the revaluation rate, until a new budget law is adopted.
Members of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey express their views on public administration budgets during the debate on each budget but cannot make proposals that increase expenditures or decrease revenues.
Proposals for amendments to public administration budgets are read and voted on without separate debate.
The appropriations provided in the central government budget indicate the limit of spending that can be incurred. A provision in the budget law cannot authorize exceeding this limit through a Presidential decree.
Proposals for amendments that envisage increases in current budget appropriations or impose financial burdens on the current and subsequent fiscal year budgets must specify the financial resources to meet the envisaged expenditures.
The central government final accounts bill, along with the general compliance report, is submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey by the President within six months following the end of the fiscal year to which it pertains. The Court of Accounts submits its general compliance report to the Assembly within seventy-five days from the submission of the related final accounts bill.
The submission of the final accounts bill and the general compliance report to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey does not preclude unresolved audits and account trials for the related year by the Court of Accounts, nor does it imply their resolution.
The final accounts bill is debated and resolved together with the new year budget law proposal."
ARTICLE 16 - The following changes have been made to Law No. 2709:
A) The phrases "and the Council of Ministers" in Article 8; ", martial law" in the first paragraph of Article 15, the fourth paragraph of Article 17, and the fifth paragraph of Article 19; "the Council of Ministers and" in the first paragraph of Article 88, "draft and" in the second paragraph; ", directly or upon the request of the Council of Ministers," in the second paragraph of Article 93; "Decisions made solely by the President and the decisions of the Supreme Military Council are outside judicial review. However," in the second paragraph and "martial law," in the sixth paragraph of Article 125; ", martial law," in the first paragraph, ", the Military Court of Appeals, the Supreme Military Administrative Court," and "Supreme" in the sixth paragraph, and "and the Commander of the Gendarmerie" in the seventh paragraph of Article 148; "draft or" in the fourth paragraph of Article 153; "Supreme" in the second paragraph of Article 154; "Draft laws submitted by the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers," and "reviewing draft regulations," in the second paragraph and "Supreme" in the third paragraph of Article 155 are removed from the articles.
B) The phrase "to the Council of Ministers" in the fourth paragraph of Article 73 is replaced with "to the President"; the title of Article 78 is amended to "D. Postponement of Elections and By-elections"; the phrase "Council of Ministers" in the second paragraph of Article 117 is replaced with "President"; "Prime Minister, Chief of General Staff, Deputy Prime Ministers," in the first paragraph of Article 118 is replaced with "Vice Presidents," and "Commanders of Land, Naval, and Air Forces and the Commander of the Gendarmerie" is replaced with "Chief of General Staff, Commanders of Land, Naval, and Air Forces,"; "to the Council of Ministers" in the third paragraph is replaced with "to the President," and "by the Council of Ministers" is replaced with "by the President,"; "Prime Minister" in the fourth paragraph is replaced with "Vice Presidents,"; "of the Prime Minister" in the fifth paragraph is replaced with "of the Vice President,"; "by law" in the sixth paragraph is replaced with "by Presidential decree"; "but based on law or explicit authority granted by law" in the third paragraph of Article 123 is replaced with "by law or Presidential decree"; "Prime Ministry" in the first paragraph of Article 124 is replaced with "President," and "regulations" is replaced with "Presidential decrees"; "of the Council of Ministers" in the sixth paragraph of Article 127 is replaced with "of the President"; "and by the Council of Ministers" in the second paragraph of Article 131 is replaced with "by"; "to the Prime Ministry" in the first paragraph of Article 134 is replaced with "to the minister appointed by the President"; "regulation" in the first paragraph of Article 137 is replaced with "Presidential decree"; "decree-laws" in the first paragraph of Article 148 is replaced with "Presidential decrees," and "members of the Council of Ministers" in the sixth paragraph is replaced with "Vice Presidents and ministers"; "-twelve" in the first paragraph of Article 149 is replaced with "ten"; "decree-laws" in Article 150 is replaced with "Presidential decrees," and "ruling and opposition party groups in the Turkish Grand National Assembly" is replaced with "the two political party groups with the highest number of members in the Turkish Grand National Assembly"; "decree-law" in Article 151 and in the third paragraph of Article 153 is replaced with "Presidential decree"; "of the decree-law" in the first paragraph of Article 152 and in the second paragraph of Article 153 is replaced with "of the Presidential decree"; "judicial, administrative, and military" in the first paragraph of Article 158 is replaced with "judicial and administrative"; "to the government" in the fourth paragraph of Article 166 is replaced with "to the President"; "to the Council of Ministers" in the second paragraph of Article 167 is replaced with "to the President."
C) The phrase "by an absolute majority of the total number of members" is added after "the returned law" in the third paragraph of Article 89, and "appointed by the President" is added at the beginning of the third paragraph of Article 117.
Ç) The phrase "administrative investigation," is added before "examination," in the first paragraph of Article 108; "Armed Forces and" is removed from the second paragraph; "its members and its Chairman among those with the qualifications determined by law," in the third paragraph is replaced with "its Chairman and members," and "by law" in the fourth paragraph is replaced with "by Presidential decree."
D) "-seventeen" in the first paragraph of Article 146 is replaced with "-fifteen," and ", one member from the Military Court of Appeals, and one member from the Supreme Military Administrative Court" in the third paragraph, and ", Military Court of Appeals, and Supreme Military Administrative Court" in the fourth paragraph are removed from the article.
E) The second sentence of the second paragraph of Article 82, the second paragraph of Article 96, the fourth and fifth paragraphs of Article 117, the second sentence of the third paragraph of Article 127, the last sentence of the first paragraph of Article 150, and Articles 91, 99, 100, 102, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 120, 121, 122, 145, 156, 157, 162, 163, and 164 are repealed.
ARTICLE 17 - The following provisional article is added to Law No. 2709.
"PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 21 - A) The 27th Legislative Term general election for members of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the Presidential election shall be held jointly on 3/11/2019. Until the date of the election, the duties of the members of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the President shall continue. If the Assembly decides to call an election, the general election for the 27th Legislative Term and the Presidential election shall be held jointly.
B) Within six months at the latest from the date of publication of this Law, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey shall enact the amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly and other legal regulations required by the amendments made through this Law. The amendments specified to be regulated by Presidential decrees shall be issued by the President within six months at the latest from the date of assumption of office.
C) Pursuant to the regulation made in Article 159 of the Constitution, members of the Council of Judges and Prosecutors shall be elected within thirty days at the latest and shall commence their duties on the business day following the fortieth day from the date this Law enters into force. Applications shall be made to the Presidency of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey within five days from the date this article enters into force. The Presidency shall forward the applications to the Joint Committee comprised of members of the Constitution and Justice Committees. Within ten days, the Committee shall determine three candidates for each membership by a two-thirds majority of the total number of members. If the election cannot be finalized with a two-thirds majority in the first round, second and third rounds of voting shall be held; in these rounds, the candidate receiving the votes of three-fifths of the total number of members shall be elected. If a three-fifths majority cannot be achieved, in the third round, the selection process shall be completed by drawing lots among twice the number of candidates as the seats to be filled, based on the highest votes received. The General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey shall complete the election within fifteen days, adhering to the same procedures and quorum requirements. Existing members of the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors shall continue their duties until the new members assume office, and during this period, they shall operate under the provisions of the existing Law. The new members shall operate under the provisions of the current Law that are not contrary to the Constitution until the relevant Law is amended. Members whose terms have ended and who are not re-elected to the Council of Judges and Prosecutors shall, upon request, be appointed as members of the Court of Cassation if they were selected from among judges and prosecutors of the judiciary, or as members of the Council of State if they were selected from among judges and prosecutors of the administrative judiciary, by the Council of Judges and Prosecutors. Members selected from among academics and lawyers shall be appointed as members of the Council of State by the President. In such appointments and elections, the existence of vacant positions shall not be considered; the number of seats in the Court of Cassation and the Council of State shall be increased by the number of members appointed and elected.
D) The memberships of individuals elected as members of the Constitutional Court from the Military Court of Appeals and the Supreme Military Administrative Court shall continue until their duties are terminated for any reason.
E) As of the date this Law enters into force, the Military Court of Appeals, the Supreme Military Administrative Court, and military courts are abolished.
Within four months from the date this Law comes into force, the following arrangements shall be made for the President, Chief Prosecutor, Deputy President, and members of the Military Court of Appeals and the Supreme Military Administrative Court who belong to the military judiciary, as well as other military judges (excluding reserve officers), taking into account their preferences and acquired rights:
a) They may be appointed as judges or prosecutors in the judicial or administrative judiciary by the Council of Judges and Prosecutors.
b) Regarding salary, additional indicator, allowances, judicial allowances, supplementary payments, financial and social rights and benefits, and other entitlements, they shall be treated the same as their counterparts in the judicial or administrative judiciary. Regarding other rights and obligations, the legislative provisions in force on the date this Law comes into force shall continue to apply. They shall be appointed by the Ministry of National Defense to positions within their existing categories in the legal services departments of the Ministry or the General Staff. For those who acquire the right to retire and voluntarily leave these positions before reaching the age limit, the procedures and principles regarding compensation to be paid shall be regulated by law.
Case files pending before the abolished military judicial authorities shall be transferred as follows within four months: cases under appellate review shall be sent to the Court of Cassation or the Council of State, as appropriate, while other cases shall be transferred to the competent and authorized judicial or administrative authorities, as appropriate.
F) Decrees having the force of law, regulations, regulations issued by the Prime Ministry and the Council of Ministers, and other regulatory acts in effect on the date this Law comes into force shall remain valid unless repealed. Articles 152 and 153 shall continue to apply to the decrees having the force of law that remain in effect.
G) The powers granted by laws and other legislation to the Prime Ministry and the Council of Ministers shall be exercised by the President until the relevant legislation is amended.
H) The provision in the last paragraph of Article 67 of the Constitution shall not apply to the first general election for members of parliament and the presidential election to be held jointly after the date this Law comes into force.
ARTICLE 18 - With this Law, the following amendments to the Constitution shall enter into force:
a) The amendments made to Articles 8, 15, 17, 19, 73, 82, 87, 88, 89, 91, 93, 96, 98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, and 113, the annulment of the second and third paragraphs of Article 114, the amendments made to Articles 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, and 125, the amendment to the last paragraph of Article 127, the amendments made to Articles 131, 134, and 137, the amendment to the first paragraph of Article 148 and the change regarding the phrase "members of the Council of Ministers" in its sixth paragraph, the amendments made to Articles 150, 151, 152, 153, the second paragraph of Article 155, and Articles 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, and 167, as well as the (F) and (G) paragraphs of Provisional Article 21, shall come into force on the date the President assumes office following the jointly held elections for the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the Presidency.
b) The amendments made to Articles 75, 77, 101, and 102 shall come into force on the date the election calendar for the first jointly held elections for the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the Presidency begins.
c) The other amended provisions, along with the annulment of the phrase "The elected President shall sever any ties with their party, if applicable" in the last paragraph of Article 101, shall come into force on the date of publication and shall be entirely subject to a referendum, if proposed.